Why Pesticides Are Bad For Bees

Raw Honey & Bee Pollen San Diego
Raw Honey & Bee Pollen San Diego

You’ve probably heard that bee populations need our protection. Declines have led to concerns about the sustainability of our agricultural system, since honey bees are one of the most prolific pollinators on the planet. Without bees, there would be significant decreases in pollination, resulting in decreases in the amount of food that is produced on our planet. 

How can we help prevent the decline of our honey bee populations? One way is to learn about how pesticides can affect bees, since the use of harmful pesticides is one factor that contributes to honey bee decimation.  

What are Pesticides?

We hear a lot about pesticides, but how much do you really know about them? According to the EPA, a pesticide is “any substance or mixture of substances intended for preventing, destroying, repelling or mitigating any pest.” Pesticides also include substances that are meant to destroy weeds, fungi, rodents or insects. 

How Do Pesticides Harm Bees? 

There are a few different ways that pesticides can impact bees. Bees can come in direct contact with a pesticide during one of their foraging trips and die from the exposure. 

During their busy season, bees will travel miles away from their hive in search of the nectar and pollen that they use to make honey. They land on flowers and suck up the nectar to take back to their hive. If this flower is contaminated with pesticides, the nectar and pollen they bring back to the hive will be toxic and can eliminate the entire colony. 

When bees bring back pesticides to the hive, the consequences can be devastating. Honey bee colonies work like well-oiled machines. Something harmful that is introduced to one aspect of the colony will quickly impact the whole.  

What Happens If There Are No More Bees?

If honey bee populations decline, we run the risk of losing many of the crops we enjoy on a daily basis. Vegetables such as zucchini, cucumbers, avocados, almonds, and many more, would not exist. 

Humanity would not be the only ones suffering with the disappearance of bees, either. Entire ecosystems would be affected. Suffice it to say, without bees, a potentially catastrophic chain reaction would be set off around the globe, decimating the earth’s food chain as we know it. Yikes! 

Why Choose Live Bee Removal 

As you can see, pesticides have the potential to seriously harm our bee population. To avoid this, it is critical that we decrease the use of pesticides as much as possible. One way that you can do your part is by choosing live bee removal when you have a bee infestation on your property. 

Live bee removal is a safe and humane process for removing bees from homes, businesses and anywhere else where they might be posing a health or safety hazard. During a live bee removal service, no pesticides are used and the bees remain unharmed throughout. And live bee removal is just as effective at removing an infestation as other removal methods. In fact, it is far superior to your traditional extermination service. 

In addition to safely removing the bees, a professional, experienced live bee removal company will be sure to remove any trace of your previous infestation so that other bees and pests are not attracted to the area in the future. They have advanced knowledge of bee behavior and know how to do the job right, without harming any bees! 

San Diego Live Bee Removal

If you live in the San Diego area and have a pesky bee situation on your hands, do not hesitate to contact D-Tek Live Bee Removal right away. Our team is standing by to help you rid your property of honey bees in the safest and most humane way possible. Don’t settle for your typical pest control company that does not specialize in honey bee removal. 

Instead, opt for the experts in honey bee live removal, bee removal repairs and bee proofing services. D-Tek Live Bee Removal has been leading the county in providing the best San Diego bee removal services at the most affordable rates. We pride ourselves on our top-notch customer service, so give our team a call today and see for yourself.