Does Technology Have a Place in Beekeeping?

Bee Technology monitor beehive health

Does Technology Have a Place in Beekeeping? It is safe to say that in the last five years, with advancing technology, its role has become more frequently a topic of conversation among beekeepers. Some beekeepers use beekeeping as their solace, finding a way to nurture and protect the Earth’s valuable pollinators while living a simple…

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When Bees Swarm: The Cause, Process, and Capture

bee swarming

When Bees Swarm: The Cause, Process, and Capture Because swarming is mainly due to overcrowding, when bees are likely to swarm, there will be lots of activity outside the hive for a few days, with many bees hanging outside. In the hours leading up to a swarm, bees inside the hive are getting ready, and…

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Finding the Queen Bee: Every Beekeeper’s Task

queen bee and other bees

Finding the Queen Bee: Every Beekeeper’s Task Beekeepers often admit that finding the queen bee in a hive can be challenging. Even beekeepers with plenty of years of experience under their belt admit this task seems like it would be easier than it is. Some queens may appear plump and stand out among the other…

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The What, Where, and Why About Apiaries

bee removal in san diego

The What, Where, and Why About Apiaries Unless you are familiar with bees and beekeeping, apiary may be a new term. Apiaries are a well-known facet of beekeeping, and experienced beekeepers often enjoy sharing their knowledge and experiences in navigating the setup of a new apiary. New beekeepers take note: understanding the what and why…

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Engaging Younger Generations Outdoors in Nature

children in nature caring for bees and environment

Engaging Younger Generations Outdoors in Nature As today’s youth seem to have their noses in their devices, many wonder how we can effectively engage younger generations in nature and bring awareness to some pressing environmental issues that they will undeniably inherit. Organizations like the National Wildlife Federation, along with beekeepers and environmentalists around the globe,…

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June is National Pollinators Month

facts about pollinators

June is National Pollinators Month What exactly is National Pollinators Month, and how can we honor the ever-important pollinators of the earth at a time when they are center stage? Beekeepers and dedicated pollinator protectors encourage everyone to find ways to promote healthy pollination this month. One of the best ways to do so is…

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