The 4 Stages of the Honey Bee Life Cycle

honey bee bearding

When we think of honey bees, most of us think about the adult form of the insect. The one that buzzes around our backyards and causes a little bit of anxiety when she gets too close. How often do you think about where these bees actually begin their journeys?  There are four main stages in…

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Why Does the Hive Need Drones?


Queens and worker bees get all of the attention. But, what about the drone bee? We don’t hear about these honey bees quite as much, but that doesn’t mean that they don’t play an important role within the hive. Drones lead a fascinating life. Even their death is quite extraordinary!  Drones have one primary purpose…

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What is the Role of the Drone in a Honey Bee Colony?

honey bee drones

Out of all the bees in a colony, the drone often gets the least respect. Queen bees and workers attract a lot of attention due to their roles in the hive. Plus, they both get frequent mentions in pop culture and common English phrases.  However, let’s not discount the drone quite yet. Although they don’t…

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All The Details on Drones


All honeybees have a role and fulfill specific functions in the hive. From the matriarchal queen who leads the colony, to the worker bee who does the majority of the heavy lifting, each member of a colony has its purpose. Drones also play a vital role in the hive. They ensure the success and sustained…

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The Inhabitants of a Bee Hive

inhabitants of bee hive

When you have an unwanted bee hive on your property, your first thought might be how to get it removed. Your second thought might be more like “I hope I don’t get stung!”  Sometimes is can be easy to forget about all of the amazing things that go on in a bee hive. How much…

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