Top Google Search: Bee Removal vs Pest Control

One of the most searched topics on the internet regarding bees is how to remove them. The scariest part of this is that search results yield various responses with colorful commentary. There is never a shortage of people on the internet who want to share their advice or ideas without any training or experience. Advice from trying to scare bees into believing a wasp nest is near to blowing cigarette smoke on them carries no more value than the laugh they provide the reader with. It is worth noting that live bee removals are completely different from pest control exterminations, and understanding more about the process is critical to making the right decision.

What the Internet Doesn’t Tell You About Bee Removal

The most common response to “how to remove bees” is to contact a pest control company to exterminate the bees or a beekeeper to remove them alive and relocate them. The first response, to kill bees, is constantly criticized due to the concerns about declining bee populations worldwide. Although some people believe that live bee removal should be free because bees are a gift to the remover, no quality live bee removal will be free of charge. The best bee removals will be performed by a local beekeeper with experience working with live bees, and they will have the equipment to get the job done and ensure bees are treated humanely.

What Pest Control Companies Don’t Tell You

Although honeybees are the only protected species at this time, inexperienced pest control companies will not likely know the difference and will treat all bees, wasps, and pests the same. A pest control company may claim to be equipped to identify and treat protected bee species. They are often more focused on eliminating the bee problem. If people inquire further, pest control companies will eventually tell people they do not do live bee removals, or the cost is exorbitantly more than just taking care of the problem. If someone offers to come and remove bees for free, they will kill them and likely leave remnants of the hive and honeycomb, resulting in more disgusting pests coming in to eat the leftovers.

When people try to figure out how to get rid of bees, they are unsure of the price, which can range from free to over a thousand dollars. It is worth hiring someone skilled to remove live bees and remove entirely the remnants of the hive when inside a home or other structure. Although it may cost a bit more, it will be done correctly, and you can rest knowing you did the right thing. Reputable live bee removal companies like D-Tek also have trained repair workers who do any repairs necessary when a live bee removal requires demolishing a part of the dwelling. D-Tek remains the only live bee removal company that guarantees their work!

Warning: Free-of-charge bee removals will likely involve killing the bees, even if they say they don’t. A skilled bee removal company will charge because it has the experience and equipment to remove the live bees and ensure remnants of the hive and honeycomb are removed if the hive is inside the dwelling.

Live Bee Rehabilitation Takes Time

A misconception about live bee removal is that it happens quickly. Even the most qualified live bee removal companies are confined to working when bees are the least active, which is evenings and early mornings. So, significant bee removals may take more than one day to complete and understanding this is not a quick fix will help prepare people for what is involved in doing a live bee removal correctly and thoroughly.

Finding the queen is a top priority for skilled bee removal companies because the queen calls the shots. Finding and removing her begins the vacancy process. Once the queen is gone, bees leave when they realize she is no longer there.

The two methods of live bee removal are the cut-out and trap-out methods. The trap-out method can take much longer because it places an obstacle where bees enter and wait, sometimes over weeks, for all bees to leave. In this method, honeycomb and hive remnants must still be removed professionally; there is no guarantee that this will resolve a bee problem. The two methods take time, but they are the best choices for bee removal because the bees can be rehabilitated through both processes.

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Get help with your beehive or bee swarm removal! Call Today 760-224-3040 Or 951-265-8292!

Best Advice for Bee Removal

The best advice for handling bee concerns and problems is to contact a local beekeeper. Working with someone experienced means they understand the urgency and take measures to ensure bees are removed alive and relocated. If the first call doesn’t sit right or they can’t help you, keep calling. It is okay to ask questions about the process, the timeline, the cost, and whether bees will be removed and rehomed.

Have questions about bee removals in your area? Contact D-Tek today for a free inspection and quote! Call 760-224-3040!