Regulation of Beekeeping in California

In California, the California Department of Food and Agriculture enforces regulations to protect bees and the public. CDFA requires beehives to be registered and bee shipments to be inspected and tracked. Shipments are inspected at state borders and again at their destination, and some counties have other requirements for keeping bees. Although specific standards may vary per county, at a minimum, there are often space and distance requirements between properties to protect the public.

Local Requirements for Beekeepers

Beekeeping is an honorable role, and the enthusiasm of beekeepers makes many others want to join the movement to protect bees. There are several ways to help declining bee numbers, including proper removal when necessary and not using toxic pesticides in gardens or lawns. If you face a beehive in nature that may be in the attic, fuse box, or other area that may present a hazard to people, contact the professionals. When you need excellent bee removal care, D-Tek is hands-down the best anywhere in Southern California and even Las Vegas. As the weather warms up, bees will be more active, and people who haven’t been concerned during the colder months may need the experience of a humane bee removal company.

Some of the requirements that are typically established locally include:

  • Minimum amount of space in the area where beehives are kept
  • Number of hives being kept in one location
  • How far beehives are from property lines
  • Perimeter fencing between beehives and connecting properties
  • Distance between neighboring apiaries

Some counties do not have regulations surrounding all the above, and the years of experience can also impact which regulations beekeepers must adhere to. New beekeepers must register and may be held to more rigid standards within the regulations. Beekeepers work daily with their hives and know beyond standard regulations what keeps bees and people safe. Beekeepers are never going to intentionally put people in harm's way with their beehive placement, but these regulations are in place to protect everyone. Regulations are designed to protect people, keep bee apiaries thriving, and support beekeepers. Beekeeping is some people’s sole source of income, so supporting local beekeepers by purchasing honey and other products is vital.

If Your Neighbor is a Beekeeper

If you find out your new neighbor is a beekeeper or your neighbor suddenly picks up the hobby, do not worry! The regulations are in place to protect you and your family. If this is discovered, the best thing to do is visit the beekeeper and strike up a conversation. Most fear surrounding bees is a lack of understanding of their behaviors, and experienced bikers can educate and help people understand the immense benefits of keeping bees and help alleviate some fears of the unknown.

If you have concerns about the placement of beehives, whether in a high-traffic location or wanting to know how swarms will be handled, your beeping neighbor likely already has an action plan in place. Although bees are wild, they also follow patterns of behavior. An experienced beekeeper next door will certainly have a handle on how bees move, their flight path, and how to provide food and water sources without crossing over neighboring properties.

Swarms are one of the most common concerns of neighbors because bees are not neatly tucked away in their hives. Remember that swarming is temporary, and bees typically move on within hours. However, getting your beekeeping neighbors' number gives you comfort, knowing that they will be the first point of contact if something seems off or you need a bee concern addressed immediately.

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Get help with your beehive or bee swarm removal! Call Today 760-224-3040 Or 951-265-8292!

Don’t Use Pesticides on Bees

The worst thing a person can do is use pesticides on a beehive or swarm. Not only does this kill the bees, but it can also poison the entire hive and other living things in the area. In California, some bee species are protected, so even the act of killing bees may result in hefty fines and jail time in extenuating circumstances.

In some cases, bees do make homes in spots where they must be removed. If bees make a home in an attic, wall, or fuse box, this can’t be a permanent location. In these cases, it is crucial to have a professional and humane live bee removal company come to remove the beehive entirely. D-Tek is Southern California's most experienced and professional bee removal company, and it also serves Las Vegas residents and businesses with their bee removal needs. Bee removals may result in damage if the hive is embedded in the structure, which is why D-Tek offers full-service removal and repair in the same visit.

If you have any questions about bees in your area or want to connect with a local beekeeper, call D-Tek today at 760-224-3040. D-Tek is owned and operated by an experienced beekeeper, so local honey is also available for sale if you want to support bees in this way.