Bee Keeping
Regulation of Beekeeping in California
Regulation of Beekeeping in California In California, the California Department of Food and Agriculture enforces regulations to protect bees and the public. CDFA requires beehives to be registered and bee shipments to be inspected and tracked. Shipments are inspected at state borders and again at their destination, and some counties have other requirements for keeping…
Read MoreDo Bees Use Camouflage?
Beekeepers Face Freezing Cold Front We have all witnessed bee activity in our yard, on a walk, or elsewhere. The number of bees we see must be an indicator of the bees we don’t see because most bees are back in the hive, tending to the queen and baby brood. It may seem like a…
Read MoreBeekeepers Face Freezing Cold Front
Beekeepers Face Freezing Cold Front Some parts of the nation are experiencing snowfall for the first time in more than 100 years. The 2025 cold front across America has many scrambling to navigate this freezing weather. As parents do for their children, beekeepers think about how they can protect and keep their bees safe and…
Read MoreTop Five Tips for Beginning Beekeepers
Top Five Tips for Beginning Beekeepers As exciting as the prospect is of starting your own apiary and harvesting your own honey, there is much to learn about beekeeping! Even seasoned beekeepers will tell you they are still learning, adjusting, and figuring out new challenges each year. Time and experience do matter in beekeeping. Here…
Read MoreVeterans and Beekeeping Partner for A Better Future
Veterans and Beekeeping Partner for A Better Future Veterans are heroes, regardless of what capacity they serve. Those who serve our country have made immeasurable sacrifices, and it is always refreshing to find a program dedicated to providing a better future for these selfless, dedicated men and women who have given so much. The University…
Read MoreWhy Some Beekeepers Wear Suits and Others Don’t
Why Some Beekeepers Wear Suits and Others Don’t Beekeepers are most often depicted in recognizable bee suit gear that others assume is for protection against the sting of the bees. However, many beekeepers who are new to the task wonder about the value of the bee suit and why some beekeepers wear them, and others…
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