Regulation of Beekeeping in California

beekeepers beekeeping beehives honey

Regulation of Beekeeping in California In California, the California Department of Food and Agriculture enforces regulations to protect bees and the public. CDFA requires beehives to be registered and bee shipments to be inspected and tracked. Shipments are inspected at state borders and again at their destination, and some counties have other requirements for keeping…

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Can Honeybee Deaths from Varroa Mites Be Reduced?

Top Beekeeping Tips from The Experts

Can Honeybee Deaths from Varroa Mites Be Reduced? Honeybees are critical to pollination, food production, and environmental balance. Although mixed reports exist about honeybee populations, it is undeniable that varroa mites can quickly kill colonies, leaving devastation in their wake. In addition to varroa mites, other threats against honeybees are the loss of habitats for…

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How Pesticides Affect Bees

Expert Bee Removal San Diego

How Pesticides Affect Bees Pesticides are commonly used to exterminate pests, and insecticides are used to get rid of insects. As there is an apparent movement towards lower-toxicity pest and insect treatments, we are still faced with the reality that many pest control companies use chemicals that have adverse effects on bees. Insecticides kill bees,…

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Celebrating Different Bee Species

bees flying into hive

Celebrating Different Bee Species Bees are incredibly unique. Bees are complex with social structures that AI programmers have adapted. Bee biology continues to fascinate scientists and enthusiasts alike. Bees are critical contributors to pollination and are big hitters in food production. All bees have their roles in pollination; both social and solitary species contribute to…

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How Sweet! The Flower to Jar Honey Process

top five uses of honey

How Sweet! The Flower to Jar Honey Process The busy work of honeybees and experienced beekeepers shows up in jars on grocery aisles, gift stores, and local beekeeping boutiques. How does honey get from the flower and little bee-padded feet to decorative jars so we get to enjoy the sweet treat? The process from flower…

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Bees Have Pest Problems, Too

ants bees and beekeepers

Bees Have Pest Problems, Too There is no location on earth completely free of ants. If you are lucky, you may not have ant issues every year in your home or business. The breadth of ant pestering goes beyond the kitchen, trash, and areas with access to water, but they also often pester bees! Ants…

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