Spotlight on the Important Roles of the Honeybee Queen

live queen bee with worker bees

Spotlight on the Important Roles of the Honeybee Queen The queen honeybee is revered as the one member of the beehive who keeps everything together, and in essence, she does. The queen is the monarch and is solely responsible for laying eggs. The queen’s life has one purpose, and her fulfillment of that role profoundly…

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How Do Bees and Other Animals Respond to the Solar Eclipse?

solar eclipse

How Do Bees and Other Animals Respond to the Solar Eclipse? Next Monday, a total solar eclipse will pass over North America. A solar eclipse at this time of year is sure to bring new information on how living things, specifically bees, birds, and plants, respond to this daytime darkness. Those familiar with bees and…

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Swarm Catching: An Intriguing Concept Requiring a Little Bit of Luck

honeybee swarm trap

Swarm Catching: An Intriguing Concept Requiring a Little Bit of Luck If you are not a fan of bees, catching a swarm is the last thing you think about when picturing swarming bees buzzing through the air or conglomerating on your fence post. However, attempts to catch bees in swarms is more common of an…

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What Bees Collect V What Bees Make

honey dripping

What Bees Collect V What Bees Make Bees are known to collect many things from the environment, including pollen and nectar. There are a few things that bees need that they must make from the raw ingredients. Instead of collecting honey and propolis, bees collect the necessary materials they need to make them. Bees spend…

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New Homeowner Tips for Bee Removal

homeowners need professional beehive removal

New Homeowner Tips for Bee Removal There are few things as exciting as buying a new home and finally getting the key to the front door. Regardless of where you call home, being mindful of bees surrounding your new home is a solid new homeowner decision. Honeybee swarms don’t know it is a moving day…

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Don’t Bee Fooled: How to Identify a Bee from a Wasp

bee up close magnifying glass

Don’t Bee Fooled: How to Identify a Bee from a Wasp Even some entomologists are fooled when it comes to identifying bees and wasps. In some cases, it may be easier to see a little yellow and black buzzer and call it a bee, but many times, it is more challenging than one would think…

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