Do Bees Sting Animals?

The answer to whether or not bees sting animals is yes! Contrary to the Winnie the Pooh scenes, which depict bears freely taking all the honey they want, bees will sting when threatened, and this includes animals. Bears taking honey from a hive will result in stings, but when the bear is done, it simply shakes the bees out of its fur. Because of the fur thickness, it is difficult for bees to penetrate their skin unless it is on the nose or ears. Many people are shocked when their dog or cat comes into the house with a swollen nose, but pets are curious, which can lead them to trouble.

Although we are entering fall and winter, bees will continue to be active in warmer states like Florida and California during these months. Bee stings and wasp stings often land pets in the veterinary office, and there are some things pet owners should know about pets and stings.

When the Bee Stings

The reason that bee stings are more common in the summer months is that the weather is met with more time outdoors, which means our pets spend more time outside as well. As pets are naturally curious and use their noses to find exciting things, most pets get stung on their noses. Some pets like to chase flying insects and do not know the risks of playing with bees until they feel the sting.

Signs Your Pet Got Stung

It is uncommon for pet owners to be there when the sting happens, so knowing what to look for if your pet returns from their backyard adventure is helpful. As soon as pets are stung, they begin to shake their paw or, using their paw, swipe their head area. Imagine – they just got a big surprise, which didn’t feel good!

Watch for swelling, which is the most common sign of a sting. Other indicators are continual licking of an area or their lips if stung near the mouth. Pet owners will see redness around the sting site, and dogs and cats become more vocal to let you know their discomfort. Animals can also be allergic to stings, so watch for more severe signs of a sting, and if you notice any, you should take your pet to the vet as soon as possible. Signs of an allergic reaction include difficulty breathing, diarrhea, or vomiting.

What to Do When Your Pet is Stung

At the moment, when your pet is showing clear signs of a sting, it is almost impossible to know whether a wasp, bee, or hornet stung your pet. However, the tips are mostly the same between them, but the most important thing to do first is remove the stinger. Credit cards can provide a flat surface to scrape the stinger off. Avoid using anything that might pinch the stinger and release more toxins (like tweezers).

Topical pet-safe treatments include vinegar and lemon juice mixture for wasp stings and baking soda and water paste for bee stings. Follow up with an ice pack to help relieve the sting site.

If you are concerned about your pet and the swelling is distressing and making breathing challenging, contact a vet. Some pets may require pain medication that only a veterinarian can provide. Never use over-the-counter pain medications for your pet—some ingredients in pain medications and antihistamines for humans are poisonous to pets. Calamine lotion can be applied without risk to pets.

pets are curious about bees
bee removal in san diego

Get help with your beehive or bee swarm removal! Call Today 760-224-3040 Or 951-265-8292!

A Beekeepers Role

Beekeepers are the best people to call when you encounter a beehive and the hive needs to be removed. If pets or people are being stung because of a hive’s proximity to the property, it should be moved from that spot. Often, beekeepers have the tools and equipment to do live bee removals, and you know it will be done with care. If they don’t, they can refer you to a local bee removal company with a good reputation with beekeepers, which is critical! Regular pest control companies don’t always know how to treat bees, especially when they are a protected species.

Beekeepers are also an excellent resource for questions about bees in your area. Visit your local beekeeper for some delicious local honey that has health benefits! D-Tek is a locally owned and operated humane live bee removal company run by an experienced and knowledgeable beekeeper. If you are in Southern California, contact D-Tek for more information at 760-224-3040!