Pesticides are commonly used to exterminate pests, and insecticides are used to get rid of insects. As there is an apparent movement towards lower-toxicity pest and insect treatments, we are still faced with the reality that many pest control companies use chemicals that have adverse effects on bees. Insecticides kill bees, and either they kill the bees through contact, or the toxic pollen or nectar is returned to the hive, killing the entire colony. When a bee dies while foraging from contact with harmful chemicals, this is the better of the two scenarios because that bee does not return to the hive and kills the queen and brood. Once a colony is contaminated, it is deadly. The best way to determine if toxic pesticides or insecticides have affected your colony is by seeing large numbers of bees dead outside the entrance of the hive. Side effects continue as broods are infected with diseases.
It is critical to use safe chemicals when trying to get rid of weeds, pests, and insects. Using the most inexpensive and toxic spray should not be an option. There are qualified humane bee removal companies that do an incredible job getting rid of the bees, keeping them alive, and moving them to a new location. The best companies, like D-Tek, offer the only full-service humane live bee removal that includes meticulous clean-up and repair work if necessary.
Minimizing Pesticide Kills
Most pesticides are going to kill bees. If using a chemical, over the counter, follow instructions to the letter. Spraying blooms can cause devastating damage, so never spray blooms directly. If there are no other options, use granular pesticides in the evening when bees are back at their hive. Allowing some time between spray and bee contact can minimize the death toll of bees collecting pollen and nectar from those treated sources.
Pesticides Take Many Forms
Most people believe that the spray kills bees when they are using a treatment to get rid of pests. More than a handful of products range from powder to concentration, all of which can devastate local bees. It is unrealistic to think that anyone facing a pest problem will think about how their treatment choices will impact other things like butterflies, ladybugs, and bees. It is alarming how many choose to just handle a pest problem on their own, often causing irreparable damage they don’t even know about.
If a person does choose to treat a pest or insect problem on their own, using a granular pesticide that goes on the ground is the best product that does not get stuck on the hairs of pollinators. Ground-applied pesticides provide a layer of protection for bees but may require a longer wait time. However, this time is worth it when you realize the minimal impact you are having on bees and pollination! It is best to contact a professional bee removal company using humane methods so bees can be moved to a safe apiary location.
Bees Inside Structures Must Be Professionally Removed
It may be tempting to kill bees, insects, or other pests if they are of concern. However, if a beehive ends up in a structure's wall, attic, or awning, it is time to call the professionals. If bees are killed, and remnants of honeycomb remain along with dead bees, it will begin to rot, smell, and attract much more disgusting pests. Cockroaches, rats, and ants love left and rotting honeycombs. The best bee removal companies will smoke bees, remove them with a professional bee vacuum, remove all remnants, include quality repair work, and take bees to their new home.
Get help with your beehive or bee swarm removal! Call Today 760-224-3040 Or 951-265-8292!
The Importance of Relocating Displaced Bees
Recent news reports show the importance of beekeepers in stabilizing honeybee populations due to the increasing deaths of colonies. Recognizing the contribution of bees to our food supply and pollination process is critical. Although the temptation to handle a bee concern or to treat other pest problems with toxic sprays, understand the more significant impact those careless decisions make. Beekeepers have done an incredible job in countering some devastating bee losses, and the more seasoned ones consider it part of their role to prepare for these losses. Toxic pesticide use and varroa mites are the two biggest culprits of colony death.
One thing any individual can do is rely on the expertise and professional equipment of bee removal companies, which use humane removal methods and find displaced bees a new home. If you encounter bees within a structure, contact D-Tek Bee Removal at 760-224-3040.
D-Tek is owned and operated by a dedicated beekeeper and is the only bee removal company that does all its own repair work to a high standard. Skip pesticides to treat any pests and do a small part in helping keep the bee populations healthy this year.