June is National Pollinators Month

What exactly is National Pollinators Month, and how can we honor the ever-important pollinators of the earth at a time when they are center stage? Beekeepers and dedicated pollinator protectors encourage everyone to find ways to promote healthy pollination this month. One of the best ways to do so is to plant non-invasive plants that produce nectar and pollen. Gardens with these plants, when they bloom, provide excellent sources for bees and other pollinators like bats, birds, and other insects. Pollinators are undeniably valuable to our ecosystem and food production. Every pollinating creature takes part in the continued production of nuts, vegetables, and fruit for human consumption. Planting encouraged habitats to form organically, helping the pollinators as humans reap the rewards.

How Critical Are Pollinators?

Although there are differing statistics of exactly how much pollinators are responsible for on our plates every day, the National Wildlife Federation states that 1/3 of the food we eat is reliant on the healthy activity of pollinators. Pollinators with access to wildflowers also produce flavors for teas and herbal remedies used in households across America. The more diverse habitats we can foster, the better for bees and other pollinators, and also better for us. Caring for bees, whether in your yard or through purchasing local honey or planting bee-friendly and non-invasive plants, everyone can have a hand in keeping our ecosystems balanced and functioning at the highest level.

Planting Provides for Pollinators

Planting trees, plants, and flowers helps provide for the future of pollinators. The majestic monarch butterfly and honeybees are showing declining numbers. Although many attribute it to pesticide use in commercial food production, any reduction in pollinator habitats can have an alarming and adverse effect on our planet, and that is why June is Pollinator Month – to bring awareness and elevate the investment of people in their planet and table! Encouraging natural habitat growth through the mindful planting of the best plants, trees, and flowers is a huge step in the right direction when focusing on the relevance and importance of bees and other pollinators.

Tips for Planting a Pollinator-Friendly Garden

Trying to figure out where to start? Here are some easy tips for those wanting to step out this month and do something to help the pollinators in your region:

Bring on the Birds

Adding a birdhouse or leaving seed outside for birds is an excellent way to encourage other flying pollinators to come to your area. Birds are pollinators, and although many enjoy seeing them fly around and call out to each other, they do not always want to invite a murder of crows to their property, which is understandable! Placing bird seed off-site and higher up off the ground can be a fun way to help pollinators without some of the downsides of having frequently visited spots right in front of your door.

Planting All Year Round

Even novice gardeners know the value associated with spring flowers, which yield striking colors and beautiful blooms. However, planting for the whole year is tremendously helpful to bees and other pollinators. Instead of a feast or famine scenario by planting only for spring, consider planting for the hotter and colder months throughout the year—this can help pollinators survive some of the harsher weather and seasons. The key to providing year-round food is planting a wide variety of plants so that while some go dormant, others can continue to provide food sources.

Bright Colors Attract Valuable Pollinators

If a bloom is bright, it is an eye-catcher for bees and other pollinators. Bright colors often go hand in hand with scents that attract nectar and pollen collectors, so when choosing things to grow in your garden, be sure to include some that not only look striking but will also attract pollinators.

Expect the Unexpected Visitor

Although people admire the beauty of a butterfly in flight or a fat and fuzzy bee taking nectar from a flower, other insects help pollinate. Don't be afraid to invite other healthy insects by planting because the ecosystem requires all pollinators to help. Good bugs also help with pest control, so don’t be in a hurry to exterminate anything that doesn’t resemble a bee or butterfly. The key to assisting pollinators is to allow the ecosystem to balance itself organically, so you provide the food and water sources and let the rest sort itself out.

facts about pollinators
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Get help with your beehive or bee swarm removal! Call Today 760-224-3040 Or 951-265-8292!

As we enter June, let us collectively strive to build and create safe spaces for bees and other pollinators to grow and thrive. Increasing knowledge and awareness of the declining populations of pollinators is the first step in understanding how humans impact pollination and how we can help counter the negative. If you have any questions about bees in your area or have a concern about a beehive or swarm, contact D-Tek. D-Tek is a full-service and humane bee removal company owned by a dedicated beekeeper with decades of experience.

Call today at 760-224-3040!