The ABCs of Bee Removal

The number one reason people skip professional bee removal is the anticipation of how much it will cost. However, if a bee infestation is left simply for this reason, the risk and expense will ultimately be more significant. Multiple factors affect the price of professional bee removal, and hiring a local beekeeper or professional humane bee removal company is always advised. The most experienced and skilled bee removal companies will offer free inspections and estimates to have beehives removed from a property.

Significant Factors That Affect Cost of Quality Bee Removal

The top four factors that affect the cost of beehive removal include the beehive's accessibility, the severity of the infestation, the location of the property, and the removal process used.

  1. Infestation Location

When skilled bee technicians arrive at a property, they initially perform visual inspections to determine what is likely causing the increase in bee activity. If the beehive is not visible, they will do their best to identify its location and the extent of its establishment behind a wall or other structure. A beehive hidden behind a wall may have added cost than a beehive on a play structure outside.

  1. Severity

The severity of a bee infestation may require multiple bee removal technicians and those experienced in bee removal repair work. Companies like D-Tek are known for their affordable live and humane bee removal, offering homeowners a viable option when facing a bee infestation on their property. Bee swarms are much less because they are temporary and move on without intervention. In some cases, people request that swarms be removed, and this cost should be nominal compared to a full-scale live bee removal.

  1. Property Location

Remote properties with fewer removal options will tend to be higher than highly populated areas. Travel may come into play, but the best bee removal companies likely have a set fee per mile cost to clients or include travel in their fees. Most importantly, work with a reputable bee removal company that is upfront about costs and dispatch a qualified bee technician quickly to your property.

  1. Bee Infestation Removal Process

Let the bee experts make recommendations based on their findings. Asking for multiple treatment options is okay, but sometimes there won’t be alternatives depending on these factors. Removal may entail necessary demolition to access the entire infestation. Any removal in this depth will require repair work, so work with a bee removal company whose bee technicians are also trained in high-quality repairs. D-Tek ensures their bee technicians have the skills and equipment to minimize repair work and the materials to get the job done so clients won't have to find another source for repair work after all is said and done. Excellent new removal companies incorporate the repair cost, so homeowners don’t get a surprise when they see the final bill.

Waiting to Have a Bee Infestation Removed

As soon as increasing bee activity is noticed outside the structure or inside the home, contacting a skilled bee removal company is vital. There are many risks with waiting it out, and beehives will only move on their own if the queen dies and they swarm. However, even if this occurs, honeycomb, hive remnants, and dead bees will be left behind and attract much worse critters and pests! Carpenter bees are one of the most damaging bee species that get inside home structures and can cause expensive repairs, so addressing suspected bee infestations early will save time and money!

bee infestation needs quality bee removal and repair
bee removal in san diego

Get help with your beehive or bee swarm removal! Call Today 760-224-3040 Or 951-265-8292!

Keeping Bees Away Permanently

Bees are wild, living things. Although people may feel that bee activity is inconvenient, bees are really just doing what they do to survive. Making a hive in your home and causing an infestation is not meant to frustrate anyone. Instead, it is a safe and warm spot that bees feel is good for raising baby bees and keeping their colony thriving. Bees may return after removal, but the most exceptional bee removal companies will take measures to bee-proof the home to minimize the likelihood of their return.

Bee removal companies address active infestations, and bees that are relocating to the same area may come back to see if there is another opportunity. However, skilled bee technicians educate and help owners ensure bees don't find an easy way back inside. Bee-proofing can also be done preventatively using a local beekeeper or bee removal company so that people never have to experience an infestation!

Whatever your bee experiences, D-Tek Bee Removal can help. Our years of experience in beekeeping and humane live bee removal offer the area's most comprehensive bee removal and repair services. Contact D-Tek today for questions, concerns, or a bee-proofing guide!

Call 760-224-3040 24/7!