Three Signs of Bee Infestations and What to Do Next

A hive of bees may have more than 50,000 adult bees. There are some cases where beehives were found inside homes and structures that well exceeded that number. Bees are a critical contributor to pollination, so understanding when a hive may be inside your home, the urgency of the situation, and handling it with the help of a professional bee removal company that will remove bees humanely is essential.

Bee colonies can be established quickly once the spot has been marked for a new home. The longer a colony exists, the larger and heavier it becomes. A large beehive can cause structural damage, and it takes some serious effort to get rid of it entirely. Knowing what to look for as far as signs of a possible infestation is helpful if you live in an area with bee activity.

3 Signs of Possible Bee Colonization

Bee removal companies look for three signs during an inspection. Most professional companies offer a free inspection and have professional equipment to assess the situation accurately and confirm whether the bees have infested the structure. If removal is necessary, equipment is required to determine the exact size and location of the hive.

Increased Bee Activity

Most people have some bee activity near their homes and disregard it as expected for this time of year. Most of the time, this is true because this is also when swarming is more likely. However, something homeowners can look for is a growing increase in activity. In swarming, the increased activity will be temporary, so if the activity doesn't seem to die back down in a few days, this may be a sign that bees are making their new home in yours. A strong indicator is bee activity inside your home or a loud buzzing or humming noise that increases – if this happens, contact a reputable bee removal company immediately.

Pet Stings

Although people know to leave bees and beehives alone for the most part, pets may be more curious than cautious. Dogs and cats are the most common pets to get stung by bees, and if this is occurring near your property, this may be a sign there is a beehive nearby where your pets can access them. If pets get stung, remove the stinger and watch for allergic reactions. Pets can have serious responses to bee stings, just like people.

Even if you do not have an infestation, if your pets are being stung, you likely need to have the beehive moved. It is never suggested to remove a beehive on your own or spray it with pesticides. There are quality companies dedicated to protecting people from bees in precarious locations without killing the bees! D-Tek Live Bee Removal is one of them; they are always available to help!

Visible Changes in Walls and Strong Odors

If a beehive is infesting your home, as the beehive grows, more and more honey will seep into the wood and drywall, making the walls or ceiling look stained. Unfortunately, once this occurs, the removal may require the demolition of some of the structure to remove the beehive and honeycomb completely. If any remnants are left behind, rats and cockroaches are happy to take sloppy seconds. Once a beehive is abandoned for whatever reason, it will eventually rot and cause unpleasant odors if the hive is left in the structure. Like anything unaddressed, the stains and smell will become more evident over time. If requiring the expertise of a live bee removal company to address a beehive in your home, use one with guaranteed repair work as part of the package. D-Tek has qualified bee technicians who are trained in repair work, so you don't have to worry about getting another contractor to fix the walls after removal.

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Get help with your beehive or bee swarm removal! Call Today 760-224-3040 Or 951-265-8292!

Only The Professionals Can Help with Bee Infestations

Contact D-Tek immediately if you have witnessed any of these three tell-tale signs of a bee infestation in or around your home. The sooner your suspicions can be confirmed and mitigated, the better for you and the bees. Bees don't settle in your home to inconvenience you and your family. Instead, bees look for a safe place, and it is warm and secure inside a wall, ceiling, or attic. Professional bee removers have the equipment, tools, and experience to remove bees and relocate them to a local apiary safely. Some live bee removal companies can take the bees themselves because they are also qualified beekeepers.

Using a professional is the only way to ensure that bees don’t return to the same spot. If you have questions about bees, beekeeping, or bee removal or think you may have a bee infestation in your home, please do not hesitate to call D-Tek Live Bee Removal right now at 760-224-3040 or 951-265-8292. We are standing by to help.