Why Do Bees Make Homes in Our Homes?

It can be incredibly unnerving if you have experienced swarming bees emerging from a wall or heard a buzzing inside the house but can't find the cause. Most people don't think about beehives or swarms until they encounter them first-hand. Honeybees are known to make their hives in structure walls, and this can be unsettling and costly to remediate. When it happens, you are left wondering why. The next thing that crosses your mind is, what do I do? When it comes to getting the most professional and skilled answers, it is best to work with a local and experienced bee company. The experts know about bees' biology and behavior and will help resolve your bee problem.

One of the first things one must do is determine who these flying houseguests are. The answer is often honeybees, but wasps will also invade your walls. The difference in how to handle honeybees and wasps is significantly different because several species are protected in California – wasps, not so much. Wasps' nests are textured like paper because they are made of chewed-up plants. Wasps can be more dramatic because they are more aggressive than honeybees and can sting repeatedly. One sure sign is that honeybees look fuzzy, but when they are inside your wall or you don't want to get too close, it is best to contact the professionals and let them come out for an inspection. Regardless of where they are on your wall, only a professional has the tools and equipment to keep you safe during the removal. If the culprits are honeybees, exceptional bee removal companies, like D-Tek, humanely remove live bees and rehome them locally.

bees in your walls and home

Why Do Bees Colonize in Structure Walls?

When honeybee colonies get too big, the bees swarm and find a new home location. The queen bee lays eggs that are fed royal jelly, which prepares them to become queens. Once a new queen is ready, the old queen and scout bees head out to find ideal new locations. Often, when bees swarm, they are not aggressive, but once they find a spot, they communicate through the waggle dance about their new home, and other bees go to see if the spot is suitable. Once in agreement, the swarm moves together to their new home.

Bees like to settle in structures because the temperature in walls is warm and consistent. Additionally, hidden away means working away in peace. Once bees are inside the wall, they begin to produce wax in hexagon shapes that create the nest. Some of these are used for new larvae, and others for honey and pollen storage.

How Beehives Can Damage Your Structure

As bees produce honey and wax, and they begin to melt, walls may become stained and damage walls. Additionally, as one can imagine, melting honey attracts rodents and roaches, which are pests you do not want to invite to your home. The longer a hive is undisturbed, the larger it will become. A large hive may cause structural damage over time. Call the professionals immediately when you suspect a hive in your wall. If you notice a steady stream of bee activity going in and out of a small opening or hear buzzing inside your home, do not wait. The best bee removal companies handle removals within walls expertly and do a thorough job of removing all the hive and any honeycomb. D-Tek is the only bee removal company whose bee technicians are also fully trained in repair work – D-Tek guarantees all repair work and is unmatched in quality and response times.

Do Not Attempt to Remove Bees on Your Own

It is a big mistake to think you can open your wall and remove a hive without much problem. There is no way for someone outside of the bee removal industry to inspect and assess the size and complexity of a hive and its location within the wall. The risk is too significant when removing a hive, and that is why it is critical to hire someone skilled in bee removal to handle the problem. Bees, even if they can only sting once, still inject toxins into your skin. Multiple stings can send anyone to the hospital, which is not worth the risk to you and your family.

Since several species of bees are protected in California, using a pesticide to kill the colony is not recommended. Even if you do this, the hive, wax, and honey remain, and the pests this will attract will cause you more significant problems in the future. Only professionals can ensure everything is removed and taken care of. Using a bee removal company like D-Tek means getting a fast response, the best services, humane treatment of bees, and guaranteed repair work for any structural damage. Call D-Tek Bee Removal Services anytime at 760-244-3040 for a free inspection and the industry's most comprehensive bee removal service.