5 Things To Consider Before You Start A Bee Farm
You are completely new to bee farming and you want to start a bee farm – this post is for you !
Just as you would not start any business venture without first investigating the intricacies of what you are about to get yourself involved in, I imagine that if you are looking to start a bee farm you are frantically looking for information on how to get started.
This post is part 1 in a series of posts that will help you start your bee farm on the right foot and with fewer mishaps.
Here are 5 things to consider before you start a bee farm.
1)Availability of land
Unlike large livestock (sheep, cows or even poultry), you do not need vast land space to start your bee farm. Nonetheless, you are going to need enough land to keep your hive a safe distance from your home and enough land to allow the worker bees to go out and find food for the bee colony.
2)Proximity to your home and other neighboring homes
For safety purposes, it is important to keep the bees a safe distance away from your home, if you are considering on keeping them close to your residential property. You will also have to take the distance of your bee farm from neighboring homes.
3)Your local & state laws regarding bee farming
Please research and get clear on your local city as well as state laws regarding bee-keeping. The last thing you want to happen is to find out you are breaking laws and be hit with hefty fines after you have spent money on getting everything set up.
Make sure you have the appropriate business licenses as well.
If you are very serious about bee-keeping, you cannot go cheap on equipment. Research what will be the best use of your money and purchase that equipment for your farm.
5)Get expert advice on the basics of bee life & behavior
There is so much to know about the life cycle of each type of bee, what plants you should have in and around your farm to keep them well-fed, diseases that affect bees and even how to prepare them for different temperature conditions. You certainly don’t need to feel pressured to know every little thing about each of these areas when you are first starting out.
However, you should have a good grasp on the basics of what is best for your bees so that you don’t lose them and consequently lose money.
One of the things we do here at D-TEK Live Bee Removal is to educate prospective bee farmers on best practices on how to run a profitable farm. Feel free to call or e-mail us and we will be happy to help.