Spring Into Action and Get Your Garden Bee-Ready
Spring Into Action and Get Your Garden Bee-Ready It is the time of year all gardeners have been waiting for – a blank canvas to plan and put together their favorite plants and flowers and help bees and other pollinators stay nice and healthy! Gardeners are ready to spring into action and get those gardens…
Read MoreSalvaging Honeybee Colonies
Salvaging Honeybee Colonies Honeybees are incredibly beneficial. Due to their role in pollination, which is responsible for a large part of food production, everyone must do their small part to protect bees, even when they end up somewhere you don’t want them. When a honeybee hive ends up in the structure of a home or…
Read MoreLeave Safe and Live Bee Removal to the Experts
Leave Safe and Live Bee Removal to the Experts Bees are misunderstood. They provide immense benefits for the environment and human food consumption but also create fear in many people. When it comes to handling live bees, it is always better to have an expert, which is why the best beekeepers and bee removal companies…
Read MoreHow Will Beekeepers Recover from the Fires?
How Will Beekeepers Recover from the Fires? The devastating and hopeful stories connected to the Palisades and Eaton fires continue to stream on social media and keep our attention. The fire outbreaks that raged across the areas took a toll on many people, including beekeepers who lost hives and honey that is unrecoverable. What may…
Read MoreRegulation of Beekeeping in California
Regulation of Beekeeping in California In California, the California Department of Food and Agriculture enforces regulations to protect bees and the public. CDFA requires beehives to be registered and bee shipments to be inspected and tracked. Shipments are inspected at state borders and again at their destination, and some counties have other requirements for keeping…
Read MoreCan Honeybee Deaths from Varroa Mites Be Reduced?
Can Honeybee Deaths from Varroa Mites Be Reduced? Honeybees are critical to pollination, food production, and environmental balance. Although mixed reports exist about honeybee populations, it is undeniable that varroa mites can quickly kill colonies, leaving devastation in their wake. In addition to varroa mites, other threats against honeybees are the loss of habitats for…
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