The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly About Bee Venom
The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly About Bee Venom Experiencing any sting delivered by a bee, spider, or ant is never fun. Those allergic to venom from bees shudder at the thought because this occurrence can put their health and lives at risk. Bees have been used medicinally for centuries, and their composition includes…
Read MoreCelebrating Different Bee Species
Celebrating Different Bee Species Bees are incredibly unique. Bees are complex with social structures that AI programmers have adapted. Bee biology continues to fascinate scientists and enthusiasts alike. Bees are critical contributors to pollination and are big hitters in food production. All bees have their roles in pollination; both social and solitary species contribute to…
Read MoreHow Sweet! The Flower to Jar Honey Process
How Sweet! The Flower to Jar Honey Process The busy work of honeybees and experienced beekeepers shows up in jars on grocery aisles, gift stores, and local beekeeping boutiques. How does honey get from the flower and little bee-padded feet to decorative jars so we get to enjoy the sweet treat? The process from flower…
Read MoreBees Have Pest Problems, Too
Bees Have Pest Problems, Too There is no location on earth completely free of ants. If you are lucky, you may not have ant issues every year in your home or business. The breadth of ant pestering goes beyond the kitchen, trash, and areas with access to water, but they also often pester bees! Ants…
Read MoreRehoming Bees Possible With Live Bee Removal
Rehoming Bees Possible With Live Bee Removal One thing the bee community is passionate and united about is rehoming bees and saving hives. When an individual finds a beehive that needs to be removed, they rarely think about the longer-term plan for the bees, which is why working with a humane live bee removal company…
Read MoreThanking Bees This Thanksgiving
Thanking Bees This Thanksgiving The specific percentage of food on the average American’s table this upcoming holiday resulting from bee pollination is debatable. What is not debatable is that bees are critical pollinators, and regardless of the statistics, many of the foods we enjoy for Thanksgiving are there because of bees and other pollinators. It…
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