Welcome Home! Discovering More About Bee Nesting Styles

ground nest bee

Welcome Home! Discovering More About Bee Nesting Styles Bees, whether social or solitary, build nests. There are various places where one might discover bee nests, and bees are quite resourceful when it comes to the many materials they collect and put to good use when making their homes. Bees use five different styles of nesting,…

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What Is Absconding in Beekeeping?

beekeeper tools hive

What Is Absconding in Beekeeping? It is crucial for beekeepers to acknowledge that even though bees are incredibly resilient and adaptable, they are also sensitive and will leave when unhappy. Although foraging and swarming are natural behaviors that involve bees leaving the hive and are good signs for beekeepers, absconding is not standard or a…

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What To Expect About Swarming This Spring

bee swarm

What To Expect About Swarming This Spring If you are in colder climates, you may still be experiencing winter weather. However, be encouraged! Springtime is coming up fast; soon, the sunshine will be out, and the weather will get warmer. Spring brings so much beauty and is a favorite time of year for gardeners and…

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Do Bees Feel Pain?

bee close up

Do Bees Feel Pain? Researchers report recent observations of bees tending to their wounds, strengthening the debate on whether bees feel pain. Bees that appear to groom injuries are re-igniting questions on bees’ consciousnesses and if they feel pain or are simply following a biological natural response. It is currently thought that bees and other…

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What Bees Collect V What Bees Make

honey dripping

What Bees Collect V What Bees Make Bees are known to collect many things from the environment, including pollen and nectar. There are a few things that bees need that they must make from the raw ingredients. Instead of collecting honey and propolis, bees collect the necessary materials they need to make them. Bees spend…

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