Salvaging Honeybee Colonies

BeeHive Removal near me

Salvaging Honeybee Colonies Honeybees are incredibly beneficial. Due to their role in pollination, which is responsible for a large part of food production, everyone must do their small part to protect bees, even when they end up somewhere you don’t want them. When a honeybee hive ends up in the structure of a home or…

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How Pesticides Affect Bees

Expert Bee Removal San Diego

How Pesticides Affect Bees Pesticides are commonly used to exterminate pests, and insecticides are used to get rid of insects. As there is an apparent movement towards lower-toxicity pest and insect treatments, we are still faced with the reality that many pest control companies use chemicals that have adverse effects on bees. Insecticides kill bees,…

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Rehoming Bees Possible With Live Bee Removal

live bee removal

Rehoming Bees Possible With Live Bee Removal One thing the bee community is passionate and united about is rehoming bees and saving hives. When an individual finds a beehive that needs to be removed, they rarely think about the longer-term plan for the bees, which is why working with a humane live bee removal company…

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Do Bees Sting Animals?

pets are curious about bees

Do Bees Sting Animals? The answer to whether or not bees sting animals is yes! Contrary to the Winnie the Pooh scenes, which depict bears freely taking all the honey they want, bees will sting when threatened, and this includes animals. Bears taking honey from a hive will result in stings, but when the bear…

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Top Google Search: Bee Removal vs Pest Control

male bee remover at home

Top Google Search: Bee Removal vs Pest Control One of the most searched topics on the internet regarding bees is how to remove them. The scariest part of this is that search results yield various responses with colorful commentary. There is never a shortage of people on the internet who want to share their advice or…

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How to Help Bees in the Fall to Prepare for Winter

beehives in the fall and autumn

How to Help Bees in the Fall to Prepare for Winter When fall weather kicks in, bees and other pollinators do their best to stock up and prepare for winter. There are a few things people can do to help. Planting fall-blooming plants, providing water sources, and treating them with the respect they deserve are…

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