Is That a Bee, a Yellow Jacket or a Hornet?

yellow jacket

As the experts in San Diego live bee removal, we get tons of calls from concerned citizens who think they have a honeybee infestation, only to find out that they actually have a wasp infestation. We can certainly understand their confusion, since bees and wasps can look very similar in appearance and behavior. However, they…

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Get to Know Your Common Bees and Wasps


If you’ve spent any time outside over the last few months, you’ve probably seen plenty of bees and wasps flying around. This time of year they come out in droves and can cause quite a panic for humans, homeowners and business owners. Bee or wasp infestations can cause structural damage and their stings can be…

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Honey Bees and Yellow Jackets: How to Tell the Difference

honey bee or yellow jacket dtek live bee removal

Do you spy a buzzing black and yellow creature? It must be a bee. Or is it? Honey bees and yellow jackets often get grouped in the same category. And even though they have some similarities, they are actually quite different. Knowing the difference between the two can help you identify the best way to…

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