5 Tips for Bee Proofing Your Home

beehive removal


Bees are great in our gardens, but not so great inside our homes. A large colony that has taken up residence in your roof, wall, garage, shed or air vents can cause you a lot of problems. Not to mention, the time and expense of home renovations!

Now that we are approaching warmer weather around the country, honeybees are coming out in full force. They are leaving their winter homes in search of new, bigger places to settle. While honeybees can build their nests in many different locations, they love to choose areas that are protected from the elements, pests and cold temperatures. Do you know what checks all three boxes? You guessed it – your home!

Honeybees are industrious little creatures and have a way of entering your home through the tiniest of openings. Once inside, thousands of bees buzz in and out as they embark on foraging trips and raise their young. At D-Tek Live Bee Removal, we have seen hives just about anywhere you can imagine. And take it from us, you do not want a colony to get too cozy inside your home.

During any of our bee removal services, we take steps to bee-proof your home so you can avoid a future honeybee infestation. We can also show you some tips and tricks so you can take bee-proofing into your own hands! While it is not possible to make your home 100% bee-proof, there are plenty of things you can do to deter them.

5 Ways to Bee Proof Your San Diego Home

1. Check for gaps in your doors and windows.

We’d bet that if you inspected the outside of your home with a critical eye, you would find plenty of small openings, cracks and crevices big enough for a honeybee to enter through. In fact, honeybees can enter spaces through holes the size of a pencil eraser – that’s about 1/8-inch!

The first line of defense in preventing honeybees from building a hive in your home is to block all potential access points. Here are some steps you can take to cover holes and openings that bees can use as their door to your home:

  • Install door sweeps
  • Check all seals around your doors and windows
  • Caulk cracks and holes in walls, around window and door frames and in your foundation

2. Install screens on windows, doors and other openings.

One of the simplest and most effective ways to prevent honeybees and other bugs from entering your home is to install screens on your windows and doors. Not only do screens block pests from entering your home, they still allow for ventilation. If you have screens already installed, check to make sure that there are no holes and that the frames are not bent. Screens can also be installed on other larger openings like laundry vents and around pipes.  

3. Eliminate clutter from your yard.

When looking for a place to build their homes, honeybees love to choose locations that are safe, warm and protected from rain and wind. Yard clutter such as trash cans, old vehicles, machinery, boxes, woodpiles and gardening pots can be perfect shelters for honeybees. Inspect your property for secluded, protected places that would attract bees and clean them up.

4. Remove water sources.

Honeybees need nectar, pollen and water. They will always choose a shelter that is in close proximity to a water source. If you remove a nearby water source, you will decrease the likelihood that bees will choose your property to build a hive. Check your property for leaky faucets or lawn watering systems. Eliminate birdbaths, or add a little vinegar to the water to deter bees.

5. Be vigilant about checking your property for hives.  

The best defense is a strong offense. Be on the lookout for signs of a bee infestation by regularly inspecting your property and home. The sooner you spot the bees, the sooner you can get a professional live bee removal company to the scene to take care of the problem. Remember, honeybees can do a lot of damage to your home if left to their own devices.

Need Professional Help? Call D-Tek Live Bee Removal

D-Tek Live Bee Removal has been serving homeowners in the San Diego area for all of their bee removal needs. If you think you have signs of a bee infestation at your home, don’t wait. Call the professional bee removal experts at D-Tek Live Bee Removal right away to get a technician to your home!