6 Ways to Save Honeybees
It’s no surprise that honeybees and other pollinators play a vital role in our world’s agricultural systems. Bees have been disappearing, and this should be a major concern for everyone. Sure, it might seem like a big problem that you alone can’t solve. But there are plenty of practical things you can do to help save the bees.
Why are bees so important? Honeybees, in particular, are responsible for pollinating the flowers that provide fruit, vegetables and legumes. You can even thank the honeybee for that morning coffee that you love so much!
Research has shown that approximately 30% of the world’s crops rely on pollinators like the honeybee to support agriculture. Without their hard work, much of the food we rely on would not exist.
Why Are Bees Disappearing?
There are several threats to honeybees around the world. Colony collapse disorder has been a significant concern for beekeepers. Stressors such as insecticides, pollution and infestations by varroa mites have also contributed to the decline of the honeybee population. Other factors that prevent honeybee populations from thriving include weather change and significant reductions in green spaces.
The question for many bee enthusiasts, and those concerned about the future of our world without them, is: what can we do to help?
The good news is that there are plenty of things you can do to contribute to the success of honeybees. If we all work together, we can protect our honeybee populations from dying out.
Read more about the threats to honeybees:
The Biggest Threats to Honeybees
What is Colony Collapse Disorder?
6 Practical Ways to Help Save Bees
Avoid the use of toxic chemicals.
It should be a no-brainer, yet many people still opt to use pesticides, herbicides and other toxic chemicals on their lawns and gardens to rid them of insects and weeds. These chemicals are fatal and responsible for the decline in bee populations.
Not only are these chemicals harmful to bees, they can also have adverse effects on your family. Even products labeled as organic may be unsafe. Do your research to ensure that you are choosing the best option for you and your family.
Maintain a bee-friendly lawn.
If there’s one thing a bee loves, it is nectar. When considering your landscaping options, be sure to include plenty of flowers that provide ample nectar and pollen supplies for honeybees. Bee-friendly plants also include some weeds such as clovers and dandelions. Sure, your neighbors might complain, but what’s really more important?
Create a bee-friendly garden, no matter where you live.
If you live in an urban environment without much outdoor space, you can still do your part to help save the honeybees. A windowsill or small balcony can be a great place to create a bee garden that will help them to thrive. Plant some herbs like mint and lavender or native wildflowers. Both of these will attract bees and provide them with a source of nectar and pollen.
Don’t forget the water! Bees need a water source to survive. A simple container filled with fresh water that includes some rocks or branches to act as a perch for the bees can provide an oasis during the busy foraging season.
Buy local honey and produce.
There’s nothing better than raw, local honey. Not only does it taste amazing, supporting your local beekeepers allows them to do the vital work of caring for and sustaining honeybee populations. But don’t stop there! Purchasing your produce from local farmers and eating organic fruit and vegetables helps to support bees as well.
Educate others.
Unfortunately, there are still many people around the world who are not aware of the importance of honeybees and other pollinators our global food supply. Arming yourself with knowledge and sharing it with others can help them make smarter choices for themselves and our honeybees.
Opt for live, humane bee removal.
If you are faced with an unwanted swarm or hive on your property, especially those that pose a danger to your structure, family or pets, be sure to choose a bee removal company that specializes in live and humane removal practices. Companies that use pesticides and other harsh processes are not focused on sustaining bee populations.
With a company like D-Tek Live Bee Removal, you can have peace of mind knowing that your bees will not be harmed. In fact, they will be rehomed with a local beekeeper who will ensure that they can continue to pollinate and contribute to the local environment.
How will you help bees today?
Preventing the decline of honeybees throughout the world is everybody’s business. We encourage you to review the suggestions above. Then, do your part by choosing one or two tips that you can start this week. Thanks for your help in protecting honeybees!