Engaging Younger Generations Outdoors in Nature

children in nature caring for bees and environment

Engaging Younger Generations Outdoors in Nature As today’s youth seem to have their noses in their devices, many wonder how we can effectively engage younger generations in nature and bring awareness to some pressing environmental issues that they will undeniably inherit. Organizations like the National Wildlife Federation, along with beekeepers and environmentalists around the globe,…

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June is National Pollinators Month

facts about pollinators

June is National Pollinators Month What exactly is National Pollinators Month, and how can we honor the ever-important pollinators of the earth at a time when they are center stage? Beekeepers and dedicated pollinator protectors encourage everyone to find ways to promote healthy pollination this month. One of the best ways to do so is…

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How Do Bees and Other Animals Respond to the Solar Eclipse?

solar eclipse

How Do Bees and Other Animals Respond to the Solar Eclipse? Next Monday, a total solar eclipse will pass over North America. A solar eclipse at this time of year is sure to bring new information on how living things, specifically bees, birds, and plants, respond to this daytime darkness. Those familiar with bees and…

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Welcome Home! Discovering More About Bee Nesting Styles

ground nest bee

Welcome Home! Discovering More About Bee Nesting Styles Bees, whether social or solitary, build nests. There are various places where one might discover bee nests, and bees are quite resourceful when it comes to the many materials they collect and put to good use when making their homes. Bees use five different styles of nesting,…

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Prioritizing Non-Lethal Bee Removal

bee smoker

Prioritizing Non-Lethal Bee Removal Regardless of what someone believes about how many items on your dining table are directly tied to bees’ pollination, it is undeniable that bees are essential pollinators in many crops. As many bee species are reported to have dwindling populations, those who may have previously disregarded an unwanted beehive now seek…

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