Why Customers Love to Refer D-Tek Live Bee Removal To Their Neighbors

bees and honeycomb

bees and honeycomb

As San Diego residents ourselves, we love being outdoors and enjoying our homes and gardens. We understand when customers call with a concern about a bee hive or swarm that is preventing them from appreciating their properties. 

Finding out that you have a bee hive built into a wall in your home can be frightening and frustrating. A swarm that has taken up in your favorite tree in your yard can be unnerving. The good news is that, with the help of a professional bee removal company, you can safely relocate your bees while protecting them from harm.

San Diego homeowners and business owners trust D-Tek Live Bee Removal to help them evaluate their bee situation and get a fair recommendation for the best live bee removal solutions. 

Why Choose Live Bee Removal in San Diego

Bee conservation is important. Honey bees play a vital role in our ecosystem. Without them, our dinner plates would look very different. Animals’ food supplies would change drastically.

A typical exterminator uses harmful chemicals to kill bees during a removal process. Not only can these chemicals be dangerous for the environment, but they can also be dangerous for your family.

By choosing a live bee removal company to address your bee issues, you are making a more humane choice. At D-Tek Live Bee Removal, we do not use harmful chemicals or pesticides in our removal processes. We take great care to remove bees as safely as possible and without harming them. We then relocate the bees to our local beekeeper who is able to maintain the colony and enable them to thrive.

Why Choose D-Tek Live Bee Removal

It can be tempting to think you can remove a honey bee hive on your own. With a little internet research, you can find a variety of techniques that are deemed credible. However, the reality of bee removal is much different than you may think. It is rarely as simple and it is almost never as safe.

Professional bee removal technicians have extensive knowledge, experience and skills to do the job safely and correctly. Bee removal is difficult and dangerous. There are many factors that must be considered, including the location of the hive, the size of the colony and the time of year. 

Special tools can ensure that the process is done humanely. At D-Tek Live Bee Removal, we use a vacuum system during our removals so the process is more gentle on the bees.

San Diego customers trust us for their bee removal needs. We have been in the business for almost 20 years and we love helping our fellow San Diego neighbors. Word of mouth is how we get most of our business. This is a testament to the great service we provide.

With t D-Tek Live Bee Removal, you get more than just a bee removal service. We specialize in:

One thing that sets our services apart from the rest is our comprehensive bee removal solutions. Sure, we can remove bees from your home or property. But we can also perform expert repairs to ensure that your home is left in a safe and sound condition.

Our bee removal services also include bee proofing of the area, so you can have peace of mind knowing that bees won’t return to the same place down the road. We can even bee proof your entire home to be proactive when swarming season begins.

San Diego Live Bee Removal Services

Do you live in the San Diego area? Do you have a concern about a large honey bee hive that has appeared in your attic, wall or shed? Has a swarm taken up residence on your property?

Do not attempt to remove the bees on your own. Instead, leave it to the professionals at D-Tek Live Bee Removal. With one call to our professional staff, we can have one of our expert technicians to your property, usually the same day. We will provide an evaluation of your bee situation and give you honest recommendations and transparent pricing.

Give us a call today to schedule your live bee removal service in San Diego.