Engaging Younger Generations Outdoors in Nature

children in nature caring for bees and environment

Engaging Younger Generations Outdoors in Nature As today’s youth seem to have their noses in their devices, many wonder how we can effectively engage younger generations in nature and bring awareness to some pressing environmental issues that they will undeniably inherit. Organizations like the National Wildlife Federation, along with beekeepers and environmentalists around the globe,…

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June is National Pollinators Month

facts about pollinators

June is National Pollinators Month What exactly is National Pollinators Month, and how can we honor the ever-important pollinators of the earth at a time when they are center stage? Beekeepers and dedicated pollinator protectors encourage everyone to find ways to promote healthy pollination this month. One of the best ways to do so is…

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Helping Bees Through the Summer

wild flowers bee friendly plants

Helping Bees Through the Summer Summer is the time of year when bees typically buzz around, staying so busy that it is hard to catch them still. Bees work diligently throughout their life cycles. Many in our nation have reports of fewer encounters with bees in the wild, and this has alerted beekeepers and enthusiasts…

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How Native, Non-Native, and Invasive Plants Impact the Ecosystem

Bee Garden

How Native, Non-Native, and Invasive Plants Impact the Ecosystem Most people have heard the terms native and non-native when it comes to plants or animals that may or may not be considered helpful to the environment. There are differences in how native, non-native and invasive species impact the health of the natural resources in your…

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California’s Record Rainfall Provides Reclaimed Water Sources for Bees

bees need water

California has experienced a bonanza of rain, which provides relief from the hovering drought conditions typical to the state. What is the best use of all this water, and how can it be reclaimed and used to bring value to the state’s agriculture and ecosystems? California leads the way when it comes to water conservation…

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Spring is Here! Preparing Plants, Flowers, and Gardens to Help Pollinators

bees are pollinators

March 20th is coming up in less than three weeks. It is also the first day of spring, and residents and landscapers all over Southern California are preparing for an excellent and fruitful season. Orange County is in full swing, hosting weekly events at various locations, offering volunteers a first-hand look at Orange County’s natural…

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